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Many years of experience

our advantage is Quality

internal laboratory

We have an internal laboratory, but we also cooperate with external laboratories, including laboratories accredited by our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to conduct the necessary tests to meet the rigorous standards of our Partners and our products meet universally recognized quality standards .

Quality assurance is a priority for our plant, we guarantee it by conducting comprehensive and thorough tests in accordance with standards and directives. This ensures the high quality of the products we deliver and guarantees their durability.


ISO 9001 certification is an international quality management standard that specifies the requirements that an organization's quality management system should meet. Companies certified to ISO 9001 confirm that their processes are in line with the best quality management practices and that their goal is continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

This certification helps increase efficiency, reduce errors and increase the quality of products and services.


This is an international standard for testing the flammability of materials used inside vehicles. It specifies methods for assessing the flammability of materials used in cars, such as upholstery, carpets, and other interior components, when exposed to direct fire.

According to ISO 3795, a material undergoes a test that measures its burning rate to assess its safety in the event of a fire. Meeting the requirements of this standard is essential for ensuring passenger safety and is required by many automotive regulations around the world.


This is one of the most well-known and trusted certificates in the world regarding the safety of textile products.

It means that the textile product has been tested for over 100 parameters relevant to health and does not contain harmful chemicals.

Products marked with this certificate are safe for both users and the environment.


BS 5852 is a British standard for the resistance of upholstered furniture to ignition . The full name of the standard is "BS 5852: Fire tests for furniture – Methods of test for the ignitability of upholstered composites for seating by smouldering and flaming ignition sources".

This standard is essential for furniture manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with safety regulations and can be sold in the UK and other markets requiring compliance with these standards.

BS 5852 is an important certification in the furniture industry, ensuring that upholstered furniture is safe and less likely to ignite when exposed to glowing and flaming ignition sources.

PN-EN 1021-1

PN-EN 1021-1 concerns tests of the resistance of upholstery materials to ignition from a glowing cigarette . It is part of the standards for assessing the reaction to fire for upholstered furniture, which aim to increase fire safety in rooms.

This standard specifies test methods to check how upholstery materials (e.g. fabrics, foams, fillings) react to contact with a burning cigarette. The test simulates a situation in which a cigarette butt falls on the upholstery, which is one of the most common causes of accidental furniture ignition.

The certificate of compliance with the PN-EN 1021-1 standard confirms that the upholstery material has passed tests for resistance to ignition from a glowing cigarette, which increases the safety of using the furniture in everyday situations.

PN-EN 1021-2

The PN-EN 1021-2 certificate refers to a standard that specifies the requirements for the resistance of upholstery materials to fire , and more precisely to ignition from flame. This standard is part of the European fire safety standards for upholstered furniture.

This standard concerns tests to determine whether materials used in furniture upholstery are resistant to ignition from a heat source, such as a lighter flame. Tests carried out in accordance with this standard aim to assess how materials react to direct exposure to flame, which is important for user safety.

A certificate of compliance with the PN-EN 1021-2 standard confirms that a given upholstery material meets fire safety requirements in the context of resistance to ignition from flame.


Kolejnym standardem, którego przestrzegamy, jest stosowanie wyłącznie surowców pochodzących od sprawdzonych dostawców, którzy również spełniają wymagania, podobnie jak nasza produkcja, zgodnie z regulacjami REACH.

REACH to rozporządzenie Unii Europejskiej mające na celu poprawę ochrony zdrowia ludzkiego oraz środowiska przed zagrożeniami związanymi z chemikaliami, przy jednoczesnym wspieraniu konkurencyjności przemysłu chemicznego w UE.


Spełniamy wymagania systemu IMDS, w którym rejestrujemy nasze produkty oraz komponenty dostarczane przez naszych dostawców.

IMDS (International Material Data System) to internetowa baza danych dotycząca materiałów stosowanych w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym. Jest to wspólna inicjatywa największych producentów samochodów z Europy, Japonii i USA. Baza danych jest wykorzystywana przez ponad 120 tysięcy przedsiębiorstw, a liczba zarejestrowanych użytkowników przekroczyła 200 tysięcy. System ten pozwala na rejestrowanie wszystkich materiałów używanych w produkcji pojazdów, w tym ich składu chemicznego oraz zawartości substancji chemicznych (materiałowe karty charakterystyki).

IMDS umożliwia naszym klientom śledzenie składu surowcowego oraz chemicznego każdego komponentu na każdym etapie produkcji. Dzięki temu gwarantujemy, że w naszych produktach nie są stosowane substancje zakazane w Europie, USA, Japonii oraz innych krajach i regionach objętych tym standardem.

Many years of experience

Dedicated team

We have a skilled quality control team focused on ensuring that all our processes and results meet the highest standards.

The proper course of technological processes is also supervised by an employee of our company, who is subject to continuous training cycles.

We work in accordance with a modern approach to Lean Manufacturing production management, which allows us to optimize processes and focus on customer value.

Please contact us!


Do you have any questions about the products we offer? Or maybe you want to learn more about the technological process by which individual fabrics and knits are manufactured? Don't wait and contact us today!

Our team will be happy to provide you with the necessary information and help you choose the right products and services.

textile products of the highest quality

technical fabrics and knits